Redirect your income taxes for a brighter future !

Through the 3.5% provision of the Tax Code, any taxpayer, individual, can direct this % of the payroll tax, income tax paid to the State, to any non-governmental organisation (association, foundation, etc.) he/she wishes. Basically, in this way you are telling the State how you want part of your income tax to be spent. Please note that this amount is not a sponsorship or donation, but is essentially a part of the state budget which is directed by each individual citizen to the entity of his or her choice! To redirect this percentage to NWERA ASSOCIATION you have to follow the next steps:

  • Print the form from the next resource: REQUEST CONCERNING THE USE OF THE AMOUNT OF UP TO 3,5 % OF THE ANNUAL TAX DUE (click to download)
  • It is not necessary to fill in the amount of % of annual income tax in the dedicated box, nor to attach the tax form. The data will be filled in by the tax authorities.
  • Use one of the following ways to submit your completed form:
    1. Send it to the following e-mail address: [email protected]
    2. Submit the form to the accountant of the company where you are employed;
    3. Submit the form directly to your local tax office;
    4. Send the form by registered mail to the Financial Administration of your locality;
    5. Submit the form online on the ANAF website.
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